Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Gmail invitations to give away!

For anyone who is interested in an invitation for a free 1GB Gmail account leave me a comment with your e-mail address - I have three invitations to give away on a first come first served basis!


Anonymous said...

Wow ohotos how did I get here? I was trying to find some info on windsurfing t-shirts so goodness knows why the last link I clicked on brought me here. But although there is nothing about windsurfing t-shirts, I'd like to say what a good job you've done with Gmail invitations to give away!

Anonymous said...

Wow ohotos how did I get here? I was trying to find some info on windsurf t-shirts so goodness knows why the last link I clicked on brought me here. But although there is nothing about windsurf t-shirts, I'd like to say what a good job you've done with Gmail invitations to give away!

Anonymous said...

Wow ohotos how did I get here? I was trying to find some info on wind forecasts so goodness knows why the last link I clicked on brought me here. But although there is nothing about wind forecasts, I'd like to say what a good job you've done with Gmail invitations to give away!